Integrated Alpha - F/m Acceleration

Business Brief

F/m provided a new home and corporate structure for Integrated Alpha, the new name for a US quantitative growth equity manager with deep experience. When the manager’s prior family-office sponsor re-organized and exited the external asset management business, F/m stepped in to establish an independent enterprise with the manager. F/m is now a partner in building and growing the new venture for the portfolio manager, who benefits from a reinvigorated focus on what he does best, managing portfolios.


Strategy Launch —   2012

Independence —   2020

Headquarters —   Kansas City, MO

Investment Focus —   US Equities, Large Cap and All Cap

Investment Strategy —  Quantitative alpha generation, actively enhanced, long only and long/short

Total Assets Under Management–
Approximately $165 million (as of December 31, 2020)

Additional Partners

Oakhurst Capital Management