Genoa | F/m Acceleration

Business Brief

F/m engineered the successful lift-out of a fixed income team to launch Genoa Asset Management. The team brought deep experience in municipal and taxable bond markets, along with the client assets they had been managing at their prior firm. As an equity partner in Genoa Asset Management, F/m provides substantial management, operational, and marketing support, enabling the Genoa portfolio management team to focus on what they do best: seeking yield, total returns, and preservation of capital in municipal and taxable bond markets.


Predecessor Launch —   2013

Independence —   2020

Headquarters — Cincinnati, OH

Investment Focus —   Municipal and Taxable Fixed Income

Investment Strategies — 
Intermediate Municipal Bond
Custom Bond Passive
Total Return Bond
Income Opportunities Bond

Total Assets Under Management — Approximately $540 million (as of December 31, 2020)

Additional Partners

Oakhurst Capital Management